Trigger Point Dry Needling
“I saw Joel for dry needling. He was very thorough in his assessment of my injury and was able to not only fix my injury but gave me exercises to do to ensure I would not re-injure the area. It has been almost 6 months and I have had no other problems. I would definitely go back for any other PT needs.”
– Jillian
Trigger Point Dry Needling
Trigger point dry needling is a treatment to restore proper function to abnormally behaving muscles. These muscles become painful with tight bands of muscle that can be painful locally or send pain signals to other locations. This is what causes restriction of movement and chronic pain. Many methods of treatment are applied to painful muscles but none are quite as effective, fast-acting or long-lasting as trigger point dry needling. Dry needling allows the muscle restriction to release to its normal length, the circulation to improve, swelling to recede and the chemicals to disperse, thereby removing their painful effect on local nerves. The treatment utilizes sterile, thin monofilament needles to achieve its goal. The relief is often rapid with a reduction in pain and improved function.
Dry needling involves inserting a tiny monofilament needle in a muscle or muscles in order to release shortened bands and decrease trigger point activity. This can help resolve pain and muscle tension and will promote healing. This is not traditional Chinese Acupuncture but is instead a medical treatment that relies on a medical diagnosis to be effective. Typically positive results are apparent within 2-4 treatment sessions but can vary depending on the cause and duration of the symptoms. The overall health of the patient can contribute as well. Significant differences can be noted in just one session. Dry needling is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain, rehabilitation from injury, and even injury prevention. Dry needling is an included technique at no extra cost in all physical therapy sessions if approved by the patient.